Turns out Menaka "lost" her phone was an excuse as adelyn needs to buy some time to carry her very delicate present over all the way to harbour front. After which, we went to chill out at the open deck above vivo and had a drink at Long John Silver much later..
Dinner at Earl's Swensen, Vivo:

So these are some of the presents i received from the trio:
From Adelyn:

Well, after much attempt, these are the few decent pictures which came out. Though it's not very visible, there are 2 fishes in there. One orange one (female, according to them), and a purple one (a male one). And their names for the fishes ? The orange one is called la sashimi and the purple one is called le sushi. Don't ask me why.. but i can say it's the most original gift i've ever received. Although they have a bet going on that the fish won't last past one week with me. Jeraldine says 2 weeks. Thanks for the "vote of confidence" you guys!!
Menaka got me:

I think it's very sweet and the words are so meaningful. Don't you think so?
And Jeraldine got me a set from body shop! I love the scent.. But there's a tiny problem.. I can't seem to pry the gift out of its box. It's well and truly stuck inside!

Oh right.. before i forgot... adelyn got me this in addition to the fishes:

What's with me and pills... seriously... last year jeraldine got me this:

I'm not that sick enough to be taking consistent pills right?? hahaha....
But anyway, Thanks you guys. I really enjoyed myself last night..
And today, it's my chinese birthday... so as tradition, my mum cooked this for lunch:

since i ate one of the other eggs ... there's only one left....
The half eaten egg: